§ 13-22. Application; Information Required; Attestation.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Any person desiring to procure a license for an amusement device or jukebox shall apply in writing to the Borough Manager.
    Such application shall set forth the following:
    The name and address of the applicant.
    The name and address of the owner of each amusement device and/or jukebox to be licensed.
    The name and address of the proprietor of the business establishment in which each amusement device and/or jukebox is to be located, used or installed.
    If the owner of the business establishment is not the applicant, then the applicant shall set forth the length of time for which the premises has been leased.
    Whether the applicant is a citizen of the United States.
    A list of all crimes which the applicant has committed within 5 years of the date of application.
    The manufacturer, name of machine, serial number, type and fee for each amusement device, jukebox or apparatus to be located, installed, operated or used on the premises, along with a floor plan of the premises identifying its dimensions and the location of all amusement devices and jukeboxes.
    That the applicant has been provided with a copy of these regulations and that the applicant has read and agrees to be bound by all terms and provisions thereof.
    That the applicant acknowledges that a license does not sanction or condone the use or possession of any illegal gambling device.
    That the applicant acknowledges that the Borough shall notify the appropriate law enforcement officials of the use or possession of any illegal gambling devices, whether or not such devices are licensed.
    That the applicant acknowledges that the Borough shall immediately revoke the license of any illegal gambling device.
    That the applicant acknowledges that the illegal use or possession of an illegal gambling device may result in criminal prosecution by the Borough or other law enforcement officials.
    A signed verification by the applicant, owner and proprietor that the facts set forth in the application are true and correct to the applicant's, owner's and proprietor's personal knowledge, information and belief, and that any false statements made therein are subject to the penalties of 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 4904, relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.
    No license shall be issued by the Borough Manager until a reasonable time for investigation of the facts set forth in the application and all circumstance relating thereto.
Ord. 995, 12/10/2003