§ 13-23. Ineligibility.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The following persons shall be ineligible for a license under this Part:
    Any person who has been convicted of a crime within five years of the date of application.
    Any person who has been found guilty of or accepted accelerated rehabilitation disposition for possessing or using an illegal gambling device in violation of the Crimes Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania within five years of the date of application.
    Applicants convicted of a crime may apply to the Borough Council for a license, which may be granted by the Council, provided the applicant can prove to the Council's satisfaction that he is not in violation of any of the terms of his sentence, that he is not a danger to the community, and that the crime which he committed does not render him unsuitable for supervising an area with a concentration of children and young adults.
Ord. 995, 12/10/2003