§ 13-29. Grounds for Revocation; Contraband.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The Borough shall immediately revoke any and all licenses issued under this Part where:
    Any applicant, owner or proprietor falsified any information on an application for a license under this Part.
    Any applicant, owner or proprietor violates any provision of this Part.
    Any owner of an amusement device or proprietor of a business establishment is convicted of possessing or using an illegal gambling device in violation of the Crimes Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    The Borough Manager deems such revocation to be necessary for the benefit or protection of the public health, safety or morals.
    Any illegal gambling device used or possessed in violation of the Crimes Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or this Part may be deemed contraband and forfeited in accordance with the provisions of 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 6501(d) (relating to scattering rubbish).
Ord. 995, 12/10/2003