§ 13-51. Preliminary Approval.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Any person wanting to establish, operate or maintain a junkyard within the Borough must seek preliminary approval of an application by submitting an initial application and application fee after which:
    The Code Official/Building Inspector shall review the application and plans for completeness and for compliance with this Part, other Borough ordinances and regulations and, any state or federal laws or regulations.
    The Code Official/Building Inspector shall inspect the site, taking into consideration the suitability of the property proposed to be used for the purposes of the license, the character of the properties located nearby, and the effect of the proposed use upon the Borough, with specific reference to the general health, safety and welfare of the public and the residents of the Borough.
    The Borough Council, in its sole discretion, may hold a public hearing on the application.
    The Borough Council may impose, in addition to the general requirements set forth in this Part, such other terms and conditions as it may deem necessary to carry out the spirit and intent of this Part and to effect the protection of the general health, safety, and welfare of the public and the residents of the Borough.
    After completion of the above items, and the determination by the Borough Council that the applicant's plans and representations comply with this Part and all other applicable ordinances, laws, rules and regulations, the Borough Council shall issue in writing a "preliminary approval" of the site.
    Preliminary approval shall be in writing, and shall contain a statement that the application and plans as submitted are acceptable to the Borough Council without modification; or shall contain a detailed and itemized list of other terms, conditions and requirements which must be met if the application is to be finally approved.
    Preliminary approval shall commit the Borough to issue a license, pursuant to this Part, only after the site is, in fact, in complete compliance with the terms of the preliminary approval and the requirements of this Part.
    No junkyard, scrap yard or junk dealer shall conduct business on the site until a license is issued.
    It shall be solely the obligation of the applicant to communicate to the Borough, within the preliminary approval period, that the site has been made to fully comply with this Part and the terms, conditions, and requirements of the preliminary approval.
    Preliminary approval shall be valid for not more than six months, after which, if the site is not in full compliance with this Part and all other terms, conditions and requirements of the preliminary approval, the preliminary approval shall be revoked by the Borough Council and the Borough shall not thereafter be required to issue a license automatically, at the expiration of six months.
Ord. 995, 12/10/2003