§ 13-53. General Operating Requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The following general requirements shall apply to all junkyards licensed in accordance with the provisions of this Part:
    Such premises shall at all times be maintained so as not to constitute a nuisance or menace to the health, safety or welfare of the community and maintained so as not to provide a breeding place for insects, rodents or vermin.
    No garbage or other organic waste shall be stored in open containers on premises.
    All junk shall be stored and arranged so as not to interfere with natural drainage of the land and shall be so stored and arranged as to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water and to facilitate access for firefighting purposes.
    Maintenance shall be such that any adjacent stream or body of water shall not, be polluted or damaged by the drainage or dumping of organic or inorganic waste materials or waste substances.
    Junk shall be stored in piles within the enclosed area not exceeding eight feet in height. Junk shall be separated by alleys and arranged so as to permit easy access to all such junk for firefighting purposes.
    No burning of junk, discarded materials or any other materials shall occur on the premises.
    The business shall be conducted from a permanent building on the premises.
    The operator must be authorized to collect Pennsylvania sales tax prior to opening.
    No combustible material of any kind not necessary or beneficial to the licensed business shall be kept on the premises, nor shall the premises be allowed to become a fire hazard.
    No oil, grease, tires, gasoline, tar, petroleum products, shingles or other similar material or junk shall be burned within a junkyard at any time.
    The licensee shall permit inspection of the business premises by the Borough or its appointed representative at any reasonable time.
    Any property not provided for and approved by the Borough with the licensee shall not be utilized for junkyard operations.
    All oil, antifreeze, gasoline, transmission fluid and other vehicular fluids shall be drained from all vehicles before such vehicles are stored as scrap in the junkyard; and all such fluids shall be properly containerized, stored, transported and disposed of in the manner or manners prescribed by or consistent with regulations promulgated by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources in Title 25, Chapter 75, Pa. Code, relating to solid waste management, and in regulations promulgated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency at 40 CFR, Subchapter I, Parts 240-280, relating to solid waste, or any other applicable laws or regulations pertaining to solid waste or solid waste management.
    All spare tires not being used for a useful purpose must be covered by a tarpaulin and not left exposed to the weather or enclosed within the structure.
Ord. 995, 12/10/2003