§ 13-54. Physical Characteristics.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The area used for a junkyard shall be completely enclosed with a solid board or metal fence, or a mound of ground, with a minimum height of 10 feet; or by a screen of trees; or by a combination of the above, as approved by the Borough Council. All fences and screening shall be of sufficient height to screen the junkyard from view of adjacent properties and highways. All fences and screening proposed must be approved by the Borough Council, who may approve such fencing or screening as may be deemed necessary in view of natural contours, features and requirements. Tree screening utilized shall follow the following guidelines:
    A minimum of two rows of trees, shrubs or other vegetation, not less than 50% evergreen materials, shall be planted to produce the effective visual barricade.
    At least two different species of trees, shrubs or other vegetation shall be utilized. Selected species shall exhibit different tolerances to insect and disease.
    Species selected must be capable of producing the effective visual barrier, 10 feet in height, within five years of planting.
    Prompt replacement of any dead species shall be required.
    The required fencing and screening shall be set back the following minimum distance from the property line or street:
    Solid fencing: 25 feet from public right-of-way and 25 feet from all property lines.
    Tree screening: 25 feet from the public right-of-way and 25 feet from all property lines.
    The area between the property line or public right-of-way and the fence or tree screening shall be kept clean and vacant at all times.
    All entrances and exits into and from the salvage yard shall have gates which shall be closed and locked when the yard is not in operation. All entrances must meet the site distance requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, the Borough Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27], the Borough Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22] and any other applicable provision of this Code or other Borough ordinance.
    Sufficient on-site parking will be provided for loading and unloading vehicles as well as for employee and customer parking.
    It shall be the responsibility of the junkyard owner or operator to maintain the screening established by it, doing such painting and repairs as to keep any fences, walls or other structural material in good appearance. Plant material shall be watered, pruned, cultivated and mulched, treated for insect and disease control, and given any required maintenance to keep all plants in healthy condition. Dead plants shall be removed immediately and shall be replaced during the next spring or fall planting season. Replacement plants shall be at least as large as the initial plants and of the same species and quality, unless approval for substitution is received from the Borough.
    Failure to maintain screening shall result in the revocation of the junkyard license.
Ord. 995, 12/10/2003