§ 13-83. Regulations for Tattoo Parlors and Body Piercing Establishments.  

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  • A. 
    A person who operates a tattoo parlor and/or body piercing establishment or causes them to be operated shall comply with the following requirements:
    The room in which tattooing services and/or body piercing services are performed shall have a minimum floor area of 100 square feet.
    The rooms in which tattooing services and/or body piercing services are performed shall comply with the following requirements:
    The walls, floors and ceilings shall have an impervious, smooth, washable surface and shall be painted or finished in a light color. Carpeting is prohibited in such a room.
    Single-use towels shall be provided in approved dispensers.
    Easily cleanable and approved covered waste containers shall be provided in each room.
    All tables and equipment shall be:
    Constructed of easily-cleanable material.
    Sterilized in a medically approved manner.
    Painted or finished in a light color, with a smooth, washable finish.
    Partitioned from waiting customers and/or observers by a permanent non-transparent partition at least five feet in height.
    Any operator or employee performing the tattooing services and/or body piercing services shall:
    Scrub his/her hands thoroughly with soap and hot water before commencing any tattooing or body piercing service, and dry the hands with individual, single-use towels.
    Wear sterile surgical gloves while performing any tattooing or body piercing service. These gloves shall only be used once on a single customer/client and then disposed of in a manner prescribed by the Allegheny County Health Department.
    While tattooing, a single-service blade razor shall only be used once on a single customer/client and then disposed of in container and manner prescribed by the Allegheny County Health Department.
    The area to be tattooed or body pierced shall first be thoroughly scrubbed with an antiseptic soap for a minimum of two minutes, and an approved sterilizing preparation used.
    Any and all waste materials shall be deposited in an easily cleanable, covered waste container, and all waste materials shall be disposed of in a manner prescribed by the Allegheny County Health Department.
    An antibiotic ointment that the customer/client is not allergic to shall be applied to the area to be tattooed and/or body pierced using sterile gauze.
    The use of styptic pencils, alum blocks and/or other solid styptics to check or stem the flow of blood is prohibited.
    The operator shall provide literature on Hepatitis B and C, HIV, and other health hazards to all customers and clients. This literature shall be approved by the Allegheny County Health Department. Prior to performing tattooing and/or body piercing services on a customer or client, the operator shall obtain a written and acknowledgment, signed by each such customer or client, which acknowledges that the customer and client has received and read the literature referenced above. The operator shall retain each written acknowledgment as proof of compliance with this subsection.
    Single-service or individual containers of dye, ink or needles shall be used for each separate customer or client, and shall be discarded immediately after completing work on such customer or client by being placed and disposed of in a container and manner prescribed by the Allegheny County Health Department. Excess dye or ink shall be removed from the skin with an individual, sterile sponge or a disposable paper tissue, which shall be used on one person and then immediately discarded in a container and manner prescribed by the Allegheny County Health Department. After completing work on a customer or client, the tattooed or body pierced area shall be washed with sterile gauze that is saturated with an antiseptic solution approved by the Allegheny County Health Department.
    No tattoo parlor may attempt to remove a tattoo from any person or allow such a procedure to take place on its premises.
    No operator or employee shall tattoo or body pierce a person under the age of 18 years, or permit such tattooing or body piercing to occur, without first obtaining a written parental authorization. All parental authorizations shall be maintained on file at the establishment and be available for inspection for a period of seven years after the customer or client has reached the age of 18 years. A copy of the written parental authorization shall be provided to the parent of the minor by the operator. Proof of age shall be required of all customers and clients.
    Animals shall not be permitted in the establishment, except as specifically permitted by state law.
    All clean and ready-to-use needles and instruments shall be kept in a locked, closed glass or metal case or storage cabinet while not in use. The key to such case or cabinet shall be secured by the operator at all times.
    No person, customer or client having any skin infection or other disease of the skin or any communicable disease shall be tattooed or body pierced. All infections resulting from the tattooing and/or body piercing services known to the operator and/or an employee shall be immediately reported to the Allegheny County Health Department by the operator.
    A fully operational restroom with a toilet shall be located in the establishment and shall be accessible at all times that the tattoo parlor and/or body piercing establishment is open for business. The restroom shall also be supplied with hot and cold running water, soap and single-use towels provided in approved dispensers. The walls, floors and ceilings of the restroom shall have an impervious, smooth, washable surface. Carpeting is prohibited in the restroom.
    The entire establishment shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition and in good repair.
Ord. 950, 4/14/1999; as added by Ord. 995, 12/10/2003