§ 15-89. Storage Permits.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Prior to the storing of any recreational vehicle on any lot except within an enclosed garage, the owner of said lot shall first apply for and obtain a permit from the Zoning Officer allowing such storage. Such permit shall expire no later than January 1 following its issuance and may be renewed for additional terms not more than year each. Not more than one permit shall be issued and in effect allowing the outdoor storage of a recreational vehicle on a particular lot at any given time.
    Application for such permit shall be made on forms to be supplied by the Zoning Officer and shall set forth the following information:
    Name and address of the owner of the recreational vehicle for which the permit is sought.
    Name and address of the owner of the lot on which such recreational vehicle is to be stored.
    Location of the property on which such recreational vehicle is to be stored, including street address and block and lot numbers.
    The height and type of screening to be used.
    The length of time for which the permit is sought.
    A plot plan, drawn to scale and reasonably accurate and legible, showing:
    The location where such recreational vehicle is to be parked.
    The relation of such location to structures located on the same lot and on abutting lots.
    The relation of such location to the boundary lines of abutting lots and the relation of such location to the required side and rear yards.
    The location of any screening to be used.
    An applicant shall pay a fee, in an amount as established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council, for such permit.
    Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the Zoning Officer from issuing a temporary permit, the fee to be established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council, allowing the temporary parking or storage of a recreation vehicle on any lot for a period not exceeding 14 days, provided that the Zoning Officer makes the following findings:
    Such parking or storage shall not adversely affect the aesthetic appearance of abutting lots.
    Such parking or storage shall not unreasonably interfere with the access to light or air of structure on abutting lots.
Ord. 995, 12/10/2003