§ 15-91. Construction Trailers.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Such trailers shall be located on the lot on which construction is progressing and shall not be located within 10 feet of the boundary line of any abutting lot.
    Such trailers shall be used only as temporary field offices and for storage of incidental equipment and supplies, and not for any dwelling use whatsoever.
    Such trailers shall not be moved into a construction site until after the building permit has been approved and not more than 30 days before which construction actually commences, and trailers shall be removed from such site on or before the completion of construction or at least 30 days after construction ends. If construction is interrupted and ceases for more than 30 days, the construction trailers shall be removed until actual construction commences again.
Ord. 995, 12/10/2003