§ 15-100. Traffic Calming Device Criteria and Requirements.

Latest version.
  • A. 
    In order for a traffic calming device to be considered by the Borough Council, the traffic calming device shall comply with the following criteria:
    A traffic calming device shall comply with all applicable federal, state, county and Borough laws, statutes, ordinances, resolutions and regulations, including but not limited to the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 101 et seq., as amended, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) regulations, Title 67, Pa. Code, as amended, the Aspinwall Borough Code of Ordinances and this Part.
    A traffic calming device shall comply with the requirements of Pennsylvania's Traffic Calming Handbook (PennDOT Publication No. 383), current edition, and the Institute of Transportation Engineers Traffic Calming — State of the Practice Publication, current edition.
    A traffic calming device shall not be located on an arterial street, collector street or alley, as defined by the Borough Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22].
    A traffic calming device shall only be located within a residential zoning district as established by the Borough Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27].
    A traffic calming device shall be located on a Borough local street, as defined by the Borough Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22], which satisfies all of the following warrants, as determined by a traffic calming study:
    Traffic Volume
    Greater than 400 vehicles per day
    85th Percentile Speed
    7 miles per hour greater than posted speed limit
Ord. 995, 12/10/2003; as added by Ord. 1019, 4/11/2007, § 1; and amended by Ord. 1037, 12/9/2009, § 1