§ 1-24. Power and Duties.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The Manager shall be the chief administrative officer of the Borough and shall be responsible to the Council for the proper and efficient administration of the affairs of the Borough.
    The Manager shall have the following powers and duties:
    Shall supervise and be responsible for the activities of all municipal departments, except as otherwise provided by law or this Code.
    Shall hire, suspend or remove all Borough employees, upon approval by Council; provided, that persons covered by civil service provisions of the Borough Code shall be hired, suspended or removed in accordance with such provisions.
    Shall perform the duties of the Borough Secretary, as prescribed by law and this Code where appointed by Borough Council to such positions.
    Shall attend all Borough Council meetings and shall have the right to take part in discussions, but shall not vote.
    Shall prepare the agenda for each meeting of Council and supply pertinent facts for each agenda item.
    Shall prepare and submit the annual budget and capital expenditure program to the Borough Council.
    Shall submit to the Borough Council and make available to the public a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the Borough as of the end of each fiscal year.
    Shall keep Borough Council informed as to the conduct of Borough affairs and shall make periodic reports as Council may require on the financial affairs of the Borough and operation of all departments, offices and agencies subject to the Manager's direction and supervision.
    Shall see that the provisions of all franchises, leases, permits and privileges granted by the Borough are observed.
    May employ, by and with the approval of Council, experts and consultants to perform work and to advise in connection with any of the functions of the Borough.
    Shall attend to the letting of contracts in due form of law and shall supervise the performance and faithful execution of the same except insofar as such duties are expressly imposed by statute upon some other Borough officer.
    Shall see that all money owed the Borough is promptly paid and that proper proceedings are taken for the security and collection of all the Borough's claims.
    Shall be the purchasing officer of the Borough and shall purchase in accordance with the provisions of the Pennsylvania Borough Code, all supplies and equipment for the agencies, boards, departments and other offices of the Borough. Shall keep an account of all purchases and shall, from time to time or when directed by Council, make a full written report thereof. Shall also make rules and regulations subject to the approval of Council, governing the procurement of all municipal supplies and equipment.
    Shall handle all complaints regarding Borough services under the Manager's supervision. The Manager shall investigate and dispose of such complaints and shall report thereon to Council.
    Shall cooperate with the Borough Council at all times and in all matters so that the best interest of the Borough and of the general public may be maintained.
Ord. 354, 2/18/1925, § 603; as amended by Ord. 806, 6/11/1986; as amended by Ord. 995, 12/10/2003