§ 1-58. Duties and Powers; Recreation Board.  

Latest version.
  • The Board of Recreation shall, with the approval of the Council, equip, operate and maintain the playgrounds, play fields and other recreation centers which have been or hereafter may be established by the Borough of Aspinwall, and for this purpose may employ such play leaders, supervisors, other officers or employees as they may deem proper; shall recommend from time to time to the Council the amounts deemed advisable to be appropriated for the supervision and maintenance of such playgrounds, play fields and other recreation centers. However, the Board shall have no power or authority to enter into any contracts, engagements or create any indebtedness for or on behalf of the Borough of Aspinwall.
Ord. 646, 12/13/1967, § 3404; as amended by Ord. 806, 6/11/1986