§ 1-63. Responsibility of Commission.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The Commission shall have exclusive custody and control of the shade trees in the Borough, and may plant, remove, maintain and protect shade trees on the streets and highways in the Borough.
    The planting, trimming or removal of any shade tree in the Borough shall be subject to the prior written approval of the Commission, with the work to be completed under the direction of the Borough. Should a shade tree be planted, trimmed or removed without the prior written approval of the Commission, the responsible person, or the owner of the abutting property, shall pay the full cost of removing and/or replacing the shade tree.
    The Commission may require owners of property in the Borough to cut and remove plants, shrubs and trees afflicted with the Dutch Elm or other disease, which threaten to injure or destroy shade trees in the Borough in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Aspinwall Borough Code of Ordinances, "Trees," as amended, and the Pennsylvania Borough Code.
    The Commission may make reasonable rules and regulations for the administration of its business, which rules and regulations shall become effective upon approval thereof by ordinance of Borough Council.
Ord. 1035, 12/9/2009, § 1