§ 21-25. Allocation of Cost; Assessment of Costs.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Cost Allocation. The cost of the initial installation of sidewalks shall be allocated as follows:
    When required as part of a subdivision, land development or site plan, the cost of installation shall be the responsibility of the developer.
    When authorized by the Borough Council in areas where no subdivision or site plan approval is involved, the cost shall be borne by the abutting property owner or owners.
    Cost Assessment. Where any cost of the sidewalk is to be paid by abutting property owners, the assessment shall be made on a front-foot basis; however, Borough Council may make equitable adjustments for corner lots and irregularly shaped lots where an assessment for full frontage might be unjust.
    Notice of Assessment and Collection. The Borough Manager shall send by certified mail a notice of assessment which shall be paid within 45 days from receipt of notice. If any assessment shall remain unpaid at the expiration of the notice period, the Borough Solicitor shall take action to collect the unpaid amount, with interest from the time of completion of the improvement, by civil action of assumpsit or by a lien to be filed and collected in the same manner as municipal claims.
Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 11729