§ 26-42. Water Meters.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Furnishing, Installation. All water meters shall be furnished and set by the Borough.
    Charge. The charge for furnishing and installing water meters shall be based on the current cost of meters to the Borough, at the time of purchase, plus 50% of said purchase price.
    Location. Meters shall be placed so as to be accessible at all times to the proper Borough agents and to be convenient for reading. Also, a proper place for the protection of the system must be provided by the applicant.
    Main Disconnect. There shall be place in the water service line on the supply side of the meter a suitable stop cock.
    Repair. Consumers shall notify the Borough Office or the Borough Manager of any damage to or nonworking of any meter as soon as the same comes to their knowledge.
Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13623