§ 26-3. Duties of Borough Manager.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    It shall be the duty of the Borough Manager to see that all rules and regulations and all orders of Council as to the management of the water system are enforced; that all contracts relating thereto are faithfully performed; that all bills, claims and accounts that may accrue on account of the water system are approved.
    The Manager shall issue orders for supplies and materials necessary for the operation of the water system.
    The Manager shall report to Council at the regular monthly meeting the condition of the entire water system together with any suggestions he may wish to make for the better operation of the same. He shall make an annual report of the expenses of operating the water system and the income therefrom, and a statement of all materials and appliances on hand at the time of making the said report. He shall have taken a quarterly reading of all water meters and maintain an accurate record of the readings of said water meters; and perform or have performed such other duties as Council shall prescribe, pertaining to the water system.
Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13603