§ 2-12. Owner's Responsibility.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The owner of a dog shall not permit such dog, whether leashed or not, to deposit waste or commit a nuisance on the private property of a person or party other than that of the owner of the dog. It shall be the duty of the owner of a dog, to promptly remove the dog's excrement from any property beyond the premises of the owner and to clean such affected area immediately. For the enforcement of the provisions of this Part, an owner accompanying a dog under proper restraints as required under the provisions of this Part shall carry on his person, materials necessary to comply with the provisions of this Part. Any owner of a dog who fails to so remove or clean the dog's excrement or to have available materials for this purpose shall be deemed in violation of this Part.
    No dog, whether under restraint or otherwise, is permitted in the playgrounds, park areas, or other public grounds or building of the Borough of Aspinwall.
    All dogs, shall be kept under restraint either by a leash held by the owner or a responsible person, or by being kept within the exclusive premises of the owner.
Ord. 995, 12/10/2003