§ 6-36. Application.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Written application for each public gathering shall be made to the Borough Council according to the following schedule:
    A gathering numbering 500 - 2,000 persons, 20 days prior to the first day upon which the public gathering is to commence.
    A gathering numbering 2,000 - 3,500 persons, 30 days prior to the first day upon which the public gathering is to commence.
    A gathering numbering 3,500 - 5,000 persons, 45 days prior to the first day upon which the public gathering is to commence.
    A gathering numbering over 5,000 persons, 60 days prior to the first day upon which the public gathering is to commence.
    Application shall be made on forms specified by the Borough Council and shall contain at least the following information:
    The full legal name, address and telephone number of all sponsors.
    The full legal name and address of the owner and person in charge of the property to be utilized for the public gathering.
    If the sponsor-applicant is a partnership or joint venture, then all parties thereto shall sign as applicants. If the sponsor-applicant is a corporation, copies of the articles of incorporation, bylaws and resolution authorizing the application may be required.
    The location and address of the property to be utilized for the public gathering.
    The program for the public gathering, or if no program is prepared, a narrative statement as to the purpose, date or dates for or during which the public gathering is to be conducted.
    A diagrammatic sketch plan of the proposed site of the mass gathering showing the locations and dimensions of the proposed service roads, portable water facilities, sanitary facilities, sewage disposal facilities, medical service facilities, distribution of security personnel, and provisions for food storage, as well as camping facilities and projected plans for enclosure, if necessary, of the proposed site.
    Evidence that all permits and licenses as required by state and county statutes and rules and regulations enacted thereunder have been obtained, or will be obtained.
    A statement of the number of persons expected to attend such event and the duration of such attendance.
    The specific details relating to:
    Food and drink.
    Sanitary facilities.
    Transportation and parking facilities.
    Security and protection of surrounding areas, including specific reference to the number of marshals assisting in the control of traffic and supervision of those attending.
    On-site medical facilities and hospital care.
    Janitorial services and post gathering trash removal.
    A certified copy of the bond or verified evidence of other suitable financial arrangements, as hereinafter required, must be attached to the application.
    A statement containing the names and addresses of licensed ticket printers to be used and the plans for assuring the return of monies upon the termination or cancellation of the event as well as the means of notifying potential and existing ticket holders of such cancellation, where the anticipated number of people attending is over 5,000 persons.
    Examples of proposed advertising of the event, if any.
    Applicants' statement that they shall abide by the terms and provisions of this Part, and all laws, rules and regulations of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, County of Allegheny and the Borough of Aspinwall.
    Each application shall be accompanied with a cash fee to cover the cost of inspection, investigation, issuance, and administration of the permit in an amount as established from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council. No part of the permit fee is refundable.
    The Borough Council, or its designee, shall either grant or deny the application for permit according to the following schedule:
    A gathering numbering 500 - 2,000 persons, five days prior to the first day upon which the public gathering is to commence.
    A gathering numbering 2,000 - 3,500 persons, 10 days prior to the first day upon which the public gathering is to commence.
    A gathering numbering 3,500 - 5,000 persons, 15 days prior to the first day upon which the public gathering is to commence.
    A gathering numbering over 5,000 persons, 20 days prior to the first day upon which the public gathering is to commence.
Ord. 995, 12/10/2003